Strategy Group Review Date: 26th February 2016
Recommendation of AWMCDSG
Following consideration of the Health Technology Assessment on antimicrobial and antiseptic-impregnated urethral catheters (Pickard et al 2012*) and other evidence**, the strategy group were confident to make the recommendation that silver alloy urinary catheters should NOT be used within NHS Wales. The document was considered thorough with robust conclusions and the strategy group through their evidence based approach advised the use of silver alloy-coated urinary catheters did not support positive patient outcomes.
The requirement for exceptionality was considered and the strategy group agreed that none was required.
PDF version of recommendation for download.
If you became aware of substantial change in the evidence base or circumstances related to published advice, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. who will then consider whether a review is necessary.
** The AWMCDSG acknowledge and were guided by the conclusions of the HTA** that there is, at best, no clinical benefit compared with standard catheters, that at worst they may increase the risk of UTI and that they are “unlikely to be cost-effective”.